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Traffic Management

At the end of this chapter you would have,

  • Applied Access Policies
  • Create TrafficPolicy to distribute traffic
  • Integrated VM Workload with Mesh

Ensure Environment

Navigate to Tutorial home


Set cluster environment variables

source $TUTORIAL_HOME/.envrc

Delete Existing Test Gateway

As we will be configuring the services to use the Gloo Mesh VirtualGateway we will delete the existing Istio test gateways from both the workload clusterst,

kubectl --context="${CLUSTER1}" delete \
  -n blue-green-canary \
  -k "$TUTORIAL_HOME/demo-app/config/istio"
kubectl --context="${CLUSTER2}" delete \
  -n blue-green-canary \
  -k "$TUTORIAL_HOME/demo-app/config/istio"

Let us query the VirtualService(vs) and Gateways(gw) from the workload clusters and check our stocks,

kubectl --context="${CLUSTER1}" get vs,gw -n istio-system
NAME                                           GATEWAYS             HOSTS                                       AGE   ["istiod-gateway"]   ["istiod.istio-system.svc.cluster.local"]   35h

NAME                                                                               AGE                                  35h   14h                                         35h
kubectl --context="${CLUSTER2}" get vs,gw -n istio-system
NAME                                           GATEWAYS             HOSTS                                       AGE   ["istiod-gateway"]   ["istiod.istio-system.svc.cluster.local"]   35h

NAME                                                                               AGE                                  35h   14h                                         35h

Gloo Mesh Gateway

Let us now create VirtualGateway, VirtualHost and RouteTable to route to enable traffic routing to the blue-green-canary service across the VirtualMesh.


The VirtualMesh includes the on-premise VM

Deploy Virtual Gateway


Let us verify if Gateway and VirtualService are created on both the workload clusters,


kubectl --context=${CLUSTER1} get gw,vs -A 
NAMESPACE      NAME                                                                               AGE
istio-system                5s
istio-system                                  35h
istio-system   14h
istio-system                                         35h

NAMESPACE      NAME                                                           GATEWAYS                                                   HOSTS                                       AGE
gloo-mesh   ["istio-system/bgc-virtualgateway-17072781039916753854"]   ["*"]                                       5s
istio-system                   ["istiod-gateway"]                                         ["istiod.istio-system.svc.cluster.local"]   35h


kubectl --context=${CLUSTER2} get gw,vs -A 
NAMESPACE      NAME                                                                               AGE
istio-system                 47s
istio-system                                  35h
istio-system   14h
istio-system                                         35h

NAMESPACE      NAME                                                           GATEWAYS                                                  HOSTS                                       AGE
gloo-mesh   ["istio-system/bgc-virtualgateway-9692221184781295762"]   ["*"]                                       47s
istio-system                   ["istiod-gateway"]                                        ["istiod.istio-system.svc.cluster.local"]   35h

Calling Service


Retrive the Istio Ingress Gateway url to access the application,

SVC_GW_CLUSTER1=$(kubectl --context ${CLUSTER1} -n istio-system get svc istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].*}')

Call Service

Call the service using the script,


Poll Service

Poll the service using the script,


Use Browser

Open the URL in the browser open http://$SVC_GW_CLUSTER1.


Retrive the Istio Ingress Gateway url to access the application,

SVC_GW_CLUSTER2=$(kubectl --context ${CLUSTER2} -n istio-system get svc istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].*}')

Call Service

Call the service using the script,


Poll Service

Poll the service using the script,


Use Browser

Open the URL in the browser open http://$SVC_GW_CLUSTER2.

As you have observed the blue-green-canary service is by default configured to return the response from version blue.

Traffic Policy

As we have unified the mesh we are good to distribute traffic amongst them. As part of the next section we will apply various traffic policies to distribute traffic amongst the blue, green and canary services.

Before we try the traffic shifting, open the service in the browser,


All Blue


As we already have traffic sent to blue, let use try sending all the traffic to green


Now if you try to call the service via browser or cli as described it should return response from green service.

All Blue


Let us now try sending all the traffic to canary service on the VM,


Now if you try to call the service via browser or cli as described it should return response from canary service that is deployed in on-premise VM.

All Blue

Blue ← → Green

Let’s try to split the traffic between blue(50%) and green(50%),


If you try check your browser you should see an alternating blue-green traffic.

Blue,Green and Canary

Finally let’s try to split the traffic between blue(40%),green(40%) and canary(20%),


If you try check your browser you should see almost equal traffic to blue and green and few requests to canary.

Now we checked the traffic distribution amongst revsions that are deployed on Istio clusters and VM. In the next chapter lets us apply access policies to restrict who and from where we can acess the service.